Day One: “Dirty Carpets”

My dear mother was a stickler for spring cleaning. She anticipated this blessed event much like a three-year old would look forward to Christmas morning. The cleaning hysteria would commence on a random bright and sunny Saturday morning, usually on a perfect day for sleeping late. Mom would arise early (emphasize EARLY!) in the morning and organize her “bucket brigade,” AKA ME, and the work would begin. Early in life I was forced to learn that keeping a clean, organized home is a hallmark of being the type of wife that would truly be an asset to her future husband.
I am certainly my mother’s child. After eagerly awaiting for my retirement date finally to arrive, what am I doing on my first official day of relaxation? Am I sunning out on a beach? Traveling to some far-off land of adventure? Catching up on some reading? NO WAY! I’m spring cleaning, of course! Rug scrubbing always rattles my brain. How does this carpet manage to get so dirty in so little time? My children have grown and have left the nest, we remove our shoes upon entering our home, I don’t have any pets, and I vacuum constantly. Yet year after year, the water is filthy. And even though I will clean it thoroughly this year, I know that water will still cloud up when I repeat the process in the fall.
Thankfully, the scrubbing job Christ accomplished at Calvary lasts longer than my meager carpet cleaning. It lasts for eternity. When He removed the dirt on February 16, 1975, He removed it for good. It’s gone, as far as the east is from the west. That was my born again birthday, the day my life changed for eternity. Does that mean that I never sin now that I am in His family? No, sadly I fall short daily. But the price has been paid once and for all through His precious blood at Calvary. Through Christ, I have access to the throne of grace. I am clean forever!
Ezekiel 36:25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from your idols.
Thank You, Lord, for Your cleansing. Help me never to lose sight of your victory over my sin at Calvary. Thank You for making me Yours forever. Thank You for Your grace extended freely to this sinner.
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