Today we celebrated the 75th anniversary of D-Day. My father-in-law was a part of that history-altering campaign on a French beach so long ago. During most of his enlistment, he served as a scout, running reconnaissance behind enemy lines to keep our forces informed as to the enemy’s position. Rarely did he share any of his war stories with his family; he held those memories close to his heart. Pap Pap was one of the fortunate ones, he lived to tell about it; so many other young men did not return home from that beach.
I’m overwhelmed when I ponder that type of sacrifice. These young, brave men dug deep within themselves and found the courage to defend freedom, all while knowing that there was a huge possibility that they would never see the shores of their home again. They stormed that beach, well aware that their chances of survival were scant. So many sons and fathers died on a foreign shore that day to liberate a people that they had never met, to defend a country that they called home, and to end the tyranny of an empire that was savage at its core.
My Saviour rushed the gates of Hell to liberate me. We are told in Scripture that He was beaten beyond recognition, spat upon, bruised and mocked. He was “…stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted…put…to grief” Worst of all, the heavenly Father had to turn His back on His own Son, unable to gaze upon the ugliness of the sin that Christ was bearing, my sin. “Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him…” Pleased Him? Yes, because that sacrifice “satisfied” the Father, for it would “…justify many.” His sacrifice that day set my soul free and changed my future forever. Have you thanked Him today for that unspeakable sacrifice?
John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Dearest Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice at Calvary for me. Thank you for taking my sin and setting my soul free. And thank You for those who have sacrificed much for my freedom in faithful service to this country.
BONUS CHALLENGE: Read Isaiah 53 slowly, appreciating the Savior’s sacrifice for you.