Two of my grandboys stopped by for a visit today, affording their mom and dad an opportunity to enjoy a much-needed date day. While the little one and Pap Pap were cuddling and napping in our large, comfy recliner, Zach and I decided use the wooden train track (while incorporating just about every other toy at Grandma’s house) for a very special project. We built our own amusement park ride. Our ride was to be a scary ride, and it would cover just about every available square inch of our living room. The tracks weaved in and out of dark, creepy tunnels that we constructed, around razor-sharp bends, and up and down thrilling, breath-taking hills. Then we made it extra spooky by placing lions, dragons, action figures, and pop-up baby toys along the route. When the train left the loading dock, we added our own ooo’s, ahh’s, and screams for our pretend passengers, proving that it was indeed, one SCARY ride!
Zach will learn as he grows and matures that life itself can be one scary ride at times. The unexpected chaos brought on by daily life can be overwhelming, and yes, scary. Financial problems, health mishaps, relationship issues, and spiritual confusion can make us want to hide in the safety of our beds, with the blankets pulled up over our head. Although those daily storms can breed fear in our lives, God gently reminds us that we are loved with a perfect love that “…casteth out fear.” We are promised that “…whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” When life throws scares at us, we have an anchor, a heavenly Father, a Good Shepherd Who holds us in His gentle hands, whispers words of comfort in our ears, guides us with his rod and staff. Nothing can cross our path that has not first passed through His loving will. No scary ride can compare to the comfort from the One Who cares so richly for us.
II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Dearest Father, please always remind me of the safety and security that is mine when my life is anchored in the center of Your will. When fear takes control in my life, help me to cast all my care on Your shoulders. Remind me that I am perfectly safe in the center of Your will.