Discipline can be difficult to enforce on a consistent basis.. I dreaded when my children had purposely transgressed our instruction and had to bear the punishment for their wrongdoing. Standing outside the bedroom door listening to their father administer correction was difficult and heart-breaking for me, but needful. The fruits their daddy’s discipline, as he followed God’s command to instruct his children, have resulted in grounded, respectful, and mature adults, well-equipped for life. As difficult as that was, watching my grandchildren receive discipline is worse. Grandmas were designed to snuggle and spoil their grandbabies, but I have to remind myself that discipline is needed in their little lives, also. A child’s path has to be directed through the loving correction of Mommy and Daddy, and Grandma must step aside and let that process run its course. As difficult as it is to watch a grandchild cry, it would be more difficult to see that child left to himself with no boundaries set in his life.
God’s people, Israel, were sent into exile because they broke their covenant relationship with God. He promised blessings to an obedient people, a good land “flowing with milk and honey”, protection from enemies, and “good success.” But He also warned of severe consequences and judgment if His people rejected His law. The choice was theirs; He set before them “a blessing and a curse. A blessing, “if ye obey…and a curse, if ye obey not.” Simple, yet life-altering. Reject Him they did, giving their worship to strange and false gods rather than the God of Israel. Disaster always follows blatant disobedience. God’s judgment upon a disobedient people was inevitable as He removed them from their beloved home and sent them into a distant land.
Never despise the correction that you receive from those who love you and were placed in your life by God, be it a loving parent, a wise counselor, a pastor, a teacher, or a grandparent. They desire the blessings of God upon your life. And parents (and grandparents), stand firm in establishing discipline and boundaries in your home. Teaching obedience is a tough task, so stay committed and dedicated to that God-given chore. You have an awesome responsibility, so lean on the Father for guidance as you lead that little one to the Lord.
Ephesians 6:1-3 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother…That it may be well with thee…”
Dear Father, You have blessed my children and allowed them to be parents. Help them to be faithful parents to those priceless jewels. Help them to instill the necessary loving discipline so that my precious grandchildren will learn wisdom through obedience. Help those of us who have raised our children to be an encouragement to those who follow us, supporting them in prayer as they direct those little souls to You.