Day Twenty-Six “Heaviness”

Oh, no! It’s a P.E.S. (Plant Emergency Situation)! I surround my deck with plants and ferns during the summer months; it’s my own personal oasis where I can enjoy a good book, spend some time with God, or just relax on a clear, summer evening. One evening I noticed that my treasured daisy plant had wilted-BADLY, so I immediately went into emergency rescue mode. After carrying my saggy, droopy plant into the kitchen, I realized that in my carelessness, I had allowed the dirt to become too dry. I began the recovery process: add water, soak the soil thoroughly, allow to drain, repeat. Some of the stems responded quickly by trying to perk up, but I was resigned to the possibility that the plant was unsalvageable, and that it was my neglect that was to fault. Imagine my relief the following morning when I rushed in to check on Miss Daisy. To my surprise, the plant was fully restored, the stems were standing tall, and those daisy blossoms were smiling back at me.
When my soul becomes arid from life’s valleys, the Book of Proverbs reminds me that the resulting “heaviness” can make my heart stoop and sag. Almost immediately my countenance changes and my mood becomes most disagreeable (my husband can attest to that!). When we allow anxiety, depression, or fear to weigh us down, the despondency of heart that results disqualifies us from thanking God, praising Him, and from serving those around us, all while exposing us to attacks from our enemy, Satan. Our spirit sinks like a stone tossed into a lake, and the resulting chain reaction of self-absorption becomes difficult to break. And then our enemy has us exactly where he wants us, a child of the King void of the joy of our salvation. We have been neutralized in our Christian service.
Just as Miss Daisy’s dry soil needed water, I am dependent on the refreshing water of the Word of God. With time spent alone in the “good word” of His love and grace, my soul is restored and my spirit is regenerated. Praise can once again fill my heart, thankfulness can overflow my soul. Only then can I be that child of God who can extend a hand of encouragement to another brother or sister who finds themselves droopy and dry. Have you watered your soul and spirit today, or have you allowed the drying process to begin? Find refreshment at His well of life-giving water!
Proverbs 12:25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.
Thank You, Lord, for the refreshing quality of the Word of God! When I am dry and spent, I can always find thirst-quenching relief from Scripture. Thank You for that fabulous oasis available to us daily, help me not to take that resource for granted.
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