How did we ever survive before GPS, cell phones, and Google maps? How exactly did we manage to get from point A to point B without technology, left to our own devices? I’m so glad that you asked, because I happen to have the answer: DASHBOARD NOTES! Our family has traversed this county many times, taking kiddos to and from college, all while squeezing in some family vacation time. We were strategic in our trip planning, almost to the point of compulsiveness. Trip-Tiks were put together through our local AAA so that we could plan rest stops and picnic lunches. Maps were stashed in the glove compartment for every state though which we would pass, just in case of an unexpected detour. But most important to us were our dashboard notes. We mapped out the interstate path from home to our destination and put those route numbers on a small piece of scrap paper. That list was then taped to the dashboard, close to the steering wheel. TADA! Not terribly fancy, but our pre-GPS plan served us well.
Well-thought-out travel plans are great, but more important is a systematic Bible study plan individually crafted for you. God does not merely suggest that we study His Word, He mandates it. Our personal growth is dependent on our immersion in the Word of Truth, and our warfare with Satan compels us to be skillful in our handling of the Sword of the Spirit. If you have not developed an action plan for independent study, do it now. My personal plan involves reading through the Bible once a year, but customize a plan that best suits you. Choose a Bible book or character and study deeply and consistently, prayerfully asking the Holy Spirit to teach you and to conform you to His image. I find that when I plead with my Father for wisdom, He never disappoints.
If you do not have a travel plan through the Word of God, take some time to map out a strategy. Find a time and place to get alone with God daily. Those moments that you spend alone in that inspired Book will be an investment that will grow you in your walk with God and draw you closer to the Father.
II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Lord, Your Word is the source of all wisdom; help me to be a diligent student of that precious Book. Help me always to map my life’s course according to Your Word, depending on that precious Book for guidance and wisdom. Thank You for that inspired Book; help me to be a faithful student.