This has been one sweltering week, the humidity level running at about 1000%. Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration from an overheated old lady, but it WAS sticky and stifling. I’m certainly not a fan of those blistering, hot summer days. But just when the heat became unbearable, the clouds gradually rolled in, spreading across the sky like a blanket. Then a familiar rumble could be heard in the northern sky, the stillness of the air gradually replaced by a strong breeze. Then, as if the windows of heaven opened, the rain came, slowly building in intensity into a familiar summer storm. My little piece of real estate was being blessed with a cooling flow. How refreshing!
The Bible speaks often of “times of refreshing.” God promises His children a future restoration, a time of no sorrow, no pain, no loss, and no tears. A time will come when we who have trusted in Him will dwell in a sin-free realm, in the presence of a holy God. To quote that great hymn, What a day that will be! I am looking forward to inhabiting that land of perfect rest.
Thankfully, we don’t have to wait until that glorious kingdom is established to catch a glimpse of that glorious day. I can refresh my soul daily when I am suffering a hot, dry spell of trials, loneliness, grief, or stress. When the heat becomes too overwhelming, His Word can bathe my soul and refresh my spirit. When the world around us presses in, He promises to quicken our dusty souls according to His Word. Like cool, pristine water on a hot, summer day, His Word is available to flow over our tired souls. When life gets too hot to handle, find your time of refreshing in the cleansing stream of His Word, one-on-one, just you and the Father.
But I have another amazing avenue of refreshing available to me. I can gather on a Sunday morning with my brothers and sisters, sing the hymns of the faith, worship the King of kings, and transport myself into His presence. I can be edified and encouraged by others who love and serve my Father. We can share our joys, our burdens, our struggles. How sweet! How refreshing! God commands us to not forsake “the assembling of ourselves together.” (Hebrews 10:25) That fellowship is essential. He promises to quicken our dusty souls as we gather together in the spirit of prayer and praise. Never underestimate the value of meeting with our kin in Christ on a regular basis and enjoying that sweet fellowship.
Are you suffering from a spiritual hot spell? That time of refreshing is available to you. Go enjoy a shower of blessings in His Word!
Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, then the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the LORD.
Thank You, Lord, that when I am dry I can find refreshment in Your presence. Your Word is available to me when my soul is thirsty, my life, dry. Thank You, for that restoring breeze that can encourage my heart and strengthen my spirit.