Day Thirty-Five “Spiritual Deafness”

I was never adept in any foreign language, not even close. After enduring five years of high school and college German, what do I have to show for it? I have one phrase memorized and ready to use…wait for it…Mein Plattenspieler ist kaput, translated, My record player is broken. Hopefully, if record players ever become popular in our culture again, and I own one, and it happens to break, I can use that phrase. I’m not holding my breath. That was years of study well-spent! What I enjoyed much more than my German studies was my study of American Sign Language. What a beautiful, artful way to communicate with another human, a person with a disability. I loved watching the flow of hand motions as I carried on a conversation with a dear deaf friend I had met many years ago at our small, local church. I cherished the thought that although she could not hear my voice, she could hear my hands. We could share a deep fellowship and friendship, listening to each other’s hands and heart.
Physical deafness pales in comparison to the devastation caused by spiritual deafness. In the days of the prophet Amos, God promised Israel that He would send a famine, but not a typical famine involving lack of food or water, but one that is far more deadly. He would send a famine “of hearing the words of the LORD.” Note that He does not say that the Word would be unavailable or inaccessible; the curse would be that it would not be heard, somewhat like a small child with their fingers stuffed in their ears, refusing to hear instruction.
Hearing involves more than being aware of words, it involves careful, focused attention to those words. Just as my friend watched my hands (and I hers) with rapt focus, taking in every movement and interpreting the meaning, we must afford the Word of God the same attention and dedication. Not hearing God’s Word is a tremendous curse, for we are robbed of God’s light and direction for our lives. We are then resigned to stumble aimlessly in a dark world with no orientation, adrift. Never stop hearing. Spend some time today listening for the still, small voice of an awesome God. He is speaking, are we listening?
Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.
Help me to listen for Your voice daily, and to respond with humble obedience. Help me to be a focused hearer and a diligent doer of Your Word as I spend time at Your feet daily. Thank You for Your precious Word.
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