Day Forty-Five “A Better Vineyard”

When we meet Naboth in the pages of Scriptures, he is just an ordinary man, the owner of a vineyard. But this vineyard was valuable to him, passed down to him from his daddy and granddaddy; it was a precious family inheritance. He could never part with it, for God’s law clearly instructed that “…every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.” (Numbers 36:7) But the wicked King Ahab wanted that vineyard, BADLY. Even when Ahab offered Naboth a “better vineyard” or “the worth of it in money,” Naboth boldly responded, “The LORD forbid it me…” Naboth would not sell out that which was precious to him, and that godly decision would cost him his life. Ahab would steal what Naboth would not willingly sell.
Satan can be as pushy, persuasive, and persistent as King Ahab. It began long before this incident, in another garden, where the serpent offered Eve a better vineyard, deceiving her and bringing down a curse down upon mankind. Eve sold her vineyard of fellowship, obedience, and peace for sorrow, pain, and guilt. This crafty, deceptive foe is still offering better vineyards today, but are they better? A life of fun in exchange for your standards, rebellion rather than submission, popularity in place of purity, the entertainment of the world over godly separation, self-love outweighing our devotion to God. Satan is subtle; he makes sin look so very enjoyable. This “angel of light” has a specific goal, to destroy our Christian walk and our effectiveness for Christ by convincing us to sell out solid Biblical principles in exchange for temporary worldly pleasure. He cannot steal our salvation, that is sealed, but he can destroy our walk, our fellowship with our Father, and ultimately, our joy.
Be on guard! Protect your vineyard. The “pleasures of sin” that Satan offers us for our vineyard of peace will not be long-lasting, for those pleasures are only “for a season” A few moments of pleasure should not be exchanged for a lifetime of sorrow and regret. Don’t be seduced by the world’s ways, but rather, consider the joy and lasting peace found in living for Christ, dwelling safely in the vineyard passed down to you.
I Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
Lord, thank You for the spiritual vineyard passed down to me. Help me to prayerfully guard that heritage that is mine through Christ. Warn me when I am tempted to “sell out” for temporary pleasure.
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