Purchasing a new car can be exciting, yet scary. Learning all the latest automotive technology can be daunting, especially for us older folks. Because we grew up with standard shift transmissions and eight track tapes, we are easily overwhelmed by all the gadgets and extras that today’s cars boast. Our newest purchase came equipped with a lane departure warning system. That’s a good thing, right? An annoying beeper thing goes off when your automobile crosses the center lane marker, or skirts the edge of the road, or even thinks about crossing any lines. Keeps you safe, drives you nuts!
We live in a rural, western Pennsylvania setting. One would be hard-pressed to find a straight road between our home and anywhere. Not to mention the annual arrival of fresh spring potholes, transforming a simple trip to the store to a challenging game of dodge ‘em. So the beeper gives its warning, again and again and again and again. But as much as I want to find that sensor and throw it into the river at times, and even though it can get on my nerves and annoy me to tears. I do understand the purpose of the warning, When a car crosses the center lane, disaster can follow. If the vehicle verves off the side of the road, there will be an accident. An unfocused driver, weaving from the left and to the right, is not acceptable. It is not up for debate and there are no alternatives.
Truth is the same, it is either truth, or it is not truth. There is no grey area. When we slowly drift to the left or right doctrinally, we have abandoned truth. We are out of our lane; we are in danger. God’s Word provides a path of truth, a lane for an individual, a husband and wife, a child, or a nation, to follow. Temptations will attempt to alter our course, to drive us from the lane of truth. Satan doesn’t mind if we are close to the truth, but vehemently battles us when we dwell in the truth. But we are encouraged to “speak…the things which become sound doctrine,” hold “fast the faithful word,” and are warned that a time will come when “they will not endure sound doctrine.”
Bathe your life in the Word of God, study it faithfully, obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and stay firmly rooted in its truth. God’s Word is our guide, our road map, our light. It is that beeper, or sensor, to warn us when we are going astray. That truth in His Word can guide us to salvation, wisdom, abundant life, peace, success, joy, and strength. Keep the lines of communication open with the Father so that you are attuned to hear the warning signal of the Holy Spirit when you are drifting out of the lane.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Thank You, Father, that I have access to the truth in Your Word. Please warn me when I am wandering from the path of truth, and restore me by the light of the Word. Keep me sensitive to Your Spirit as He guides me according to Your Word.