Love You A “latte” Giveaway!

As a thank you to my blog followers, and in honor of National Pumpkin Day on Saturday, October 26, we will be giving away a $15.00 Dunkin Donut Gift Card on Friday, October 25. You will be able to enjoy a cinnamon sugar pumpkin signature latte, some apple cider donuts (my personal favorite), a pumpkin donut, or whatever else might satisfy your autumn cravings. And for you health-conscience folks, they even offer a pumpkin lip balm that is very low in calories. If you were entered in our last giveaway, either by email or message, you are in the running for this sugary treat, too. If not, please sign up the blog page, or send me a private message, and you are included.
Why do this, you may ask. We aren’t selling anything or promoting any merchandise, so what’s the point? In the world in which we live, God’s Word has lost its position of prominence and importance. If in some small way, via a short, daily devotional, I can help some brother or sister turn their thoughts toward God for a few, brief moments, I am blessed, and above all, my Father is honored. God’s Word has the supernatural ability to edify the discouraged, to strengthen the weary, to comfort the grieving, and to restore the wayward. My goal, to share some small tidbit from that precious Book daily, to give aid and support to a fellow pilgrim. So here’s what you can do for me, friends. If you read a particular blog that you feel may be a help to someone you know, please share it with them. It is my desire to honor my Savior and to draw others to His loving embrace.
So, I am REALLY “PUMPed” over this promotion. Pumpkin Day, 2109, here we come!
And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works: Hebrews 10:24
Lord, have YOUR hand on this blog. Use it as only YOU can to help and to encourage someone along the way. Always use the words on this page to draw the focus to You. Thank You, for creating a family of believers here on earth, and thank You that we can support each other in our Christian walk.
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