Day Sixty “Told You So”

I was at my usual post in the hallway located outside the boy’s bedroom. Oh, how I dreaded these moments, days when I had warned a child, repeatedly, on the consequences of a particular behavior, but my plea went unheeded and the behavior continued. Willful disobedience ruled the day and now the fallout was at hand. Daddy was home! My heart would break as I listened to that tearful little voice of repentance, but I couldn’t help but think to myself, I tried to warn you, why didn’t you listen; I told you so!
The apostle Paul was being transported by ship to Rome, one prisoner among many other common lawbreakers. But Paul’s offense was unique, he was being persecuted simply for his faithful and forceful preaching the gospel of Christ. While the ship was safely docked at the coastal town of Fair Havens, Paul had been urged by the Holy Spirit of God to warn those in charge of these captives that the ship should remain at port, the weather was about to sour, and any travel by sea would be risky, downright dangerous. Deceived by a southern wind that blew “softly,” Paul’s warning was dismissed, the ship was loosed, and the voyage resumed. But a “tempestuous wind” arose just as Paul had predicted, the vessel was caught up in its fury, taking on water and eventually breaking up under the brutal assault of the winds and waves. By God’s grace, no lives were lost, but the ship and its contents were swallowed by the sea. Paul gently chided his fellow sea-goers, “Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me.” In simple language, See, I told you so!
God has graciously given us a rule Book to govern our lives, the inspired Word of God. Within those pages, we find direction, correction, and a means to sanctification. As we search the Scripture, meditate on them, commit them to memory, the Holy Spirit uses that “sword of the spirit” to speak to us, warn us, cleanse us, and “teach us all things.” And our Comforter and Coach will NEVER lead us down the path to sin. He is the ultimate source of wisdom, but it is our choice to believe Him or to grieve Him. It’s up to us to heed. I’m saddened to think of how often the Spirit of God has looked upon me, as I sat shipwrecked in my walk with my Father, doomed to suffer chastisement due to my own willful disobedience, and softly whispered, Sweet daughter, My Word told you so.
Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Dear Father, help Your child to heed Your Word. I don’t want to grieve Your Spirit. Help me to be sensitive to Your direction, and to respond with obedience, following Your will, not mine.
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