Day Sixty-Three “True Stories”

Yikes, preschoolers! Wiggly, giggly, distractible, abounding with endless energy, but absolutely adorable. Every Wednesday evening they were left to my charge, sitting at my feet as I attempted to immerse them in a Bible story…no technology, no computer graphics, no bells or whistles, only us, the Holy Spirit, and the inspired Word of God. But in spite of their young age and short attention span, it would happen, the Spirit of God would hook them, their eyes would widen, the energy would drain, and they were primed to listen. The Bible had transported them to far-off lands, battles fought, majestic kings, and amazing miracles. My littles were once again captivated by the true stories from the exciting, living Word of God.
Nehemiah, through God’s grace and protection, had completed the reconstruction of the walls surrounding Jerusalem. Now that the task was completed and the remnant of God’s chosen people had returned to their precious land, it was time to review some true stories, stories of their forefathers and Jehovah God. Nehemiah gathered all the people “as one man…brought the law before the congregation…and read therein.” They read “from the morning until midday,” reliving their rich history. The returning pilgrims were reminded of God’s protection when their ancestors escaped Egypt through the Red Sea, of His providence as a “pillar of fire” and a “pillar of cloud” guided their every step on that wilderness journey. They heard those amazing stories of the wonders of God’s provisions for their fathers: water from a rock to quench their thirst, manna from heaven to sustain them, clothes that “waxed not old,” and tired feet that “swelled not.” But above all, Nehemiah caused them to recall that God had always kept His covenant promises to His children, showering them with grace and forgiveness in spite of the fact that His beloved people had failed Him so miserably and so consistently. He never failed to extend mercy undeserved, love unmatched.
When we need encouragement, God’s Word is the oasis of solace where His story, ALWAYS alive and new, can remind us of the awesome, faithful God we serve. When our walk becomes tough, we can ponder that fact that He doesn’t fail His people, EVER! He gives us His Word to remind us of His past victories, His selfless sacrifice on our behalf, and His future glorious reign. Pick up that precious Book today and allow the Holy Spirit to carry you away. Sit at His feet, soak in those rich stories, and allow those inspired words to transport you to the throne of grace.
Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Lord, Your Word is wondrous. As Your child, help me to always take time to sit at Your feet; remind me daily of Your mercy and grace; use those glorious stories to give me a more in-depth vision of You, and as a result, grow me.
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