Day Sixty-Five “Dedication”

What a glorious Sunday! The weather was perfect-sunny, clear blue sky, with a gentle summer breeze. Sundays are the high point of the week for me, an opportunity to get together with brothers and sisters, to sing, to worship, and to learn from God’s Word, to experience a little piece of Heaven. But this particular Sunday was special and had been anticipated for weeks, for on this glorious day grandbaby number seven was being dedicated to the Lord. God had blessed our family with the addition of this precious, teeny life months ago. He came into this world long before expected, in the midst of a difficult pregnancy for his momma. We stood on the sidelines and watched as God miraculously answered prayers, helping this little guy survive those early, scary days in the NICU, growing him stronger with each passing day, gradually developing him into the healthy infant that we love to snuggle today.
As I sat in the congregation, privately thanking God for my son, his wife, and my miracle grandson, my mind wandered back to the Bible story of Hannah. Oh, how her heart yearned to have a child, a baby to love and to cherish; but for years God seemed silent to her requests and Hannah remained childless. But eventually, in His perfect timing and as an answer to faithful prayer, God granted the yearning of Hannah’s heart and Samuel was born, her little bundle of answered prayer and fulfilled desire. But Hannah was a wise momma, she knew that ultimately Samuel belonged to God, not her. She was chosen by God’s grace to be his caretaker for a small window of time, given the awesome responsibility of training him to love and to serve the God of Israel. In the process of time, she returned to the tabernacle of God and dedicated her son to the Lord. Her heart had to be heavy as she parted from her precious son, surrendering him to the care of Eli, the priest. I’m sure tears were shed as she released her grip on her beloved gift from God. Samuel would make the house of God his home, grow to be greatly used of God; he would anoint kings, intercede for his people, and spiritually lead a nation as a prophet and a priest. Hannah’s little charge would become a mighty man of God.
As a parent, I have also stood at an altar before God, holding a precious gift from God in my arms and dedicating that little life to Him to use for His purpose. And nothing blesses this mommy’s heart more than seeing that child grow, build a home of his own, and dedicate his own son to our marvelous Creator. Parents, cherish those little lives placed in your care, for your time is short. Train them up, love them deeply, but remember that they belong to their Creator. Hold them closely and bathe them in you love, but when the time comes, be willing to let go and let God use them as He sees fit.
III John 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Thank You, Lord, for my precious jewels, my children. Thank You for allowing me to be their mother, for every moment that I could hold them close. Letting go was not easy; please use them for Your honor and glory, drawing them closer to You daily.
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