Who doesn’t love a good game of dress up? Through the window of imagination, children can be transported to a whole new world, becoming a brave firefighter, a fearless lion tamer, a “beat-the-bad-guy” policeman, a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy, a fire-breathing dragon, or a life-saving doctor, simply by adding a costume, a hat, or a prop. Believe it or not, masquerading is even recorded in the Bible! Didn’t Jacob deceive his own father, Isaac, and steal a blessing by masquerading as his brother Esau? And who could forget when the foolish King Saul would change his kingly garb, “disguise himself, and put on other raiment” so that he could consult a fortune teller after God had departed from him. Jehoshaphat, a godly king of Judah, would put his own life into jeopardy by going into battle under the pretense of being the doomed, ungodly king of Judah’s sister nation, Israel. But one master of masquerading is still in play today.
Masquerading is one of Satan’s specialties. Horns, pitchforks, and red tights would be far too obvious, instead he prefers to be subtle, crafty, and sly. Under the guise of a serpent, he appeared in the Garden of Eden to deceive Eve, and his evil deception continues today as he transforms himself “…into an angel of light.” Lucifer, that shining day star, is the master counterfeiter, tempting us with that which SEEMS right, close to the truth, not so bad. This “…father of lies” perverts the conscience of man to such an extent that we often find ourselves embracing his lies, thinking that it is truth. His minions appear as wolves in sheep’s clothing, “…transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.” His battle against truth is fierce, his goal to “…deceive the very elect.” So how do we know truth, how do we battle such a formidable foe, how do we not fall victim to this trickster?
Exposure to God’s Word is our only weapon, our “…sword of the Spirit,” separating the true Light of God from the devil’s counterfeit. Immerse yourself daily in the Word of God, “Lest Satan should get an advantage” of you, so that you are not “ignorant of his devices.” Be equipped to recognize Satan’s ploys and deception. Stay close to the true Light, spending one-on-one time daily in His Word, so you can readily recognize the masquerader.
II Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Lord, help us to recognize truth. Protect us from the enemy by arming us with Your Word. Keep us so close to Your light that we readily are aware of Satan’s falsehood.