I treasure my grand babies, and I especially love when they stop by to spend some one-on-one time with Grandma. Part of me misses having my little ones around the house, cuddling that soft skin, seeing that first smile. But then I come to my senses and remember the true grit of full-time babies, such as stumbling around the house in a sleep-deprived daze all day. Newborns are complicated little individuals. They are the center of their own universe, demanding constant attention, and are easily offended if they don’t get that attention. Any attempts to keep them clean for any extended amount of time is futile, and it seems as though they are never fully satisfied, as one feeding often blurs into the next. I remember rejoicing when my littles were old enough for solid foods, maybe now the possibility of keeping those tummies happy and full for more than a few minutes was on the horizon.
Paul warned the church at Corinth not to be spiritual babies, not to exhibit the trademarks of infancy. Spiritually speaking, we all fall into one of three categories. Some, unfortunately, are spiritually dead, the “natural man,” one who cannot know God’s Word “because they are spiritually discerned.” These have never experienced a new birth in Christ, never trusted in Him for life eternal. Some are mature believers, those who “…are of full age…have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” Although they certainly have not achieved perfection, they have the “mind of Christ,” able to take His Word, feed upon it, and translate it into obedience, submission, and growth. The third group are the spiritually immature, those “unskillful in the word of righteousness,” babies in Christ, saved by His glorious grace, but infants in regards to growth.
As we begin our new life in Christ, we all start off as babies, learning and growing daily in our walk with our Father and our relationship with fellow believers. As “newborn babes” we are to desire “the sincere milk of the word.” But we are not to remain babies forever, we are to grow up in our faith, because if we never feast upon the “strong meat” of Scripture, we will remain “unskillful in the word of truth,” “dull of hearing,” undernourished, and an open target for the enemy. When our growth becomes stunted and we find ourselves self-absorbed with our own needs rather than achieving His purpose, we are exhibiting childish spiritual behavior. If we constantly bicker with our fellow Christians, become easily offended, have trouble staying clean in our daily life, display envy and jealousy, and struggle with controlling our tongue, we are demonstrating the characteristics of spiritual immaturity.
God help us not to be carnal Christians, but growing believers who can win others to the Father. I often find myself displaying those same characteristics that I don’t miss from my child-rearing days. Unfortunately, some days it is easier to skim through God’s Word than to invest my time digging into those precious truths, looking into the mirror of His Word and allowing those words to change me, conform me to His image. On some occasions, it’s easier to take offense with another Christian, rather than displaying Christ’s forgiveness and simply letting it go. And I must admit that staying spiritually clean in my walk with Christ is tough, especially when the things of the world seem so tempting. Let’s all work at growing up, being the mature men and women of God who can accomplish a great work for Him.
Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine…
II Peter 3:18 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Lord, help me to examine my life daily in light of Your Word. I don’t want to be a spiritual baby, selfish and needy. Help me to grow daily into a mature believer whose life is pleasing to You, a life that can be used to grow others.