Day Ninety-Eight “Lemonade”

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Ah, that trite, overused, proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism in the face of adversity, a can-do spirit that can overcome the worst of misfortune. Lemons, by nature, are sour, representing those sour times in our lives, when everything seems to go awry. But the truly optimistic person will take those lemons, add some sugar, and magically turn misfortune into happiness? Well, that’s a theory.
I have a different point of view. I have researched lemons intently over the past two years. After suffering from some nasty kidney stones, my doctor suggested adding specific foods to my diet that may help alleviate the situation, lemons included. It seems that they contain citrate, which inhibits calcium stone formation and also works to break down existing stones. Worth a try, right? Anything is better than enduring another kidney stone trauma. But here’s the rub, NO sugar allowed, just lemons and water. Wow, talk about a taste adjustment! My cheeks resembled prunes for the first few days, but eventually I became adjusted to the sour taste. And as an added bonus, as I consumed more and more lemons, my immune system strengthened, colds and drippy noses decreased, and I experienced a surge of energy. Seems that the extra vitamin C added to my daily diet was exactly what I needed. Sometimes sour is good?
God can use the sour times in our lives for His will and our good. Even when things seem chaotic and in disarray, His purpose in our lives will not be thwarted, His plan is one of a perfect and wise design. His “counsel shall stand, and” He “will do his pleasure.” We may fret and worry because we don’t understand what is happening to us, but God does, He is still in control, and we can rest in His unfathomable love for us. The Bible is jammed to overflow with examples of suffering saints who experienced sour times. The apostle Paul suffered shipwreck, beatings, imprisonments, murder attempts, and much more, yet God used him to spread the gospel beyond the borders of Israel. Joseph endured traitorous brothers, public humiliation, lying employers, and years in prison, but was ultimately the instrument God used to save the nation of Israel. They both endured those lemons, sent from an all-knowing, all-powerful God, accomplishing “…and expected end” and a divine purpose.
Don’t fret the lemons, don’t worry about making lemonade, sit back, trust, and allow God to work out your situation for your good. Your Father has a plan, He cherishes you with an unfathomable love, and He will “give you an expected end.”
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
That’s my favorite verse, Lord, for it reminds me that Your thoughts towards me are peaceful and loving, whatever You send my way is for my good, to accomplish Your will.
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