Day One Hundred Six “Little Foxes”

What a welcome surprise was in store for me! God had afforded me an opportunity to help out a sister who was struggling physically, and after four hours of housework and laundry, this ole’ gal was pooped out. On my way home, I thanked God for blessing me with this open door of ministry for serving others makes the heart soar, but I also was praying for an extra burst of energy for me to get home, to prepare my hubby some dinner, and to clean up the kitchen before collapsing into one tired-out lump. I certainly underestimated my heavenly Father, for He had something much better in store for me. When I arrived home, the table was set, dinner was nearly prepared, and some fresh pineapple had been cored and cut for dessert. My hubby’s love for me was exemplified by this simple act of kindness.
“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” When I saw the banquet that my love had prepared for me, that verse popped into my mind immediately. I had been reading through the lyrically beautiful and romantic Song of Solomon, that tender, exquisite love story between a magnificent king and a farm-girl-turned-queen. Solomon had tons of wives and concubines, but he chooses to record his love for this particular Shulamite girl, for he had experienced a love and passion that remained with him for the rest of his life.
God created the institution of marriage, and apart from our personal relationship with Him, there is no other more important union than that of a husband and his wife. But we are warned in this small book penned by Solomon to watch for the “little foxes” that may attempt to destroy our marital “vineyard.” Neglect, selfishness, pride, apathy, stubbornness, and an inability to forgive can all nibble away at our marriage. The analogy is stark, just as foxes (jackals) would form herds and destroy crops and vineyards in Solomon’s day, those little disagreements and distractions can arise in our relationship with our spouse, remain unresolved, be allowed to fester, and destroy the love on which that union is built.
Rid that blessed relationship of the “little foxes,” drive them out of your vineyard, and keep your marriage fresh, vibrant, and sweet. Cherish that love that God has placed in your life, and be on constant guard for the foxes!
Song of Solomon 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, for our vines have tender grapes.
Lord, keep Your hand upon my marriage, and make me aware of the little foxes. Help us to be on guard for those small distractions that affect our relationship with each other.
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