Nothing smells better than line-dried clothing, nothing! That fresh, outdoorsy smell cannot be duplicated, regardless of how many posy-scented dryer sheets you stuff into the machine. But if clothes are hung out to dry on a day void of a breeze, be prepared to put your iron to good use, for those shirts are going to need some pressing to remove the wrinkles. Only the heat of that iron can force those folds and creases out of the fabric.
The Lord is busy with a bit of an ironing chore today. He is preparing for Himself a church, a called-out mystical body of born-again believers, “…called to be saints.” He is the Bridegroom, and we, who have placed our trust in Him, are His betrothed bride. In the days that Jesus walked upon this earth, it was common for the father to select a bride for his son. Next, a betrothal gift would be given to the bride’s family. A marriage contract was agreed upon, and then the young man and his future bride would temporarily depart company, with the man returning to his father’s home to prepare a place for his bride. This was known as the betrothal period, a time of preparation and sanctification. When the new home was ready, the groom would receive the approval of his father to return for his bride, the feast would begin, and the marriage consummated. Matthew 22 provides a vivid description of bridesmaids anxiously awaiting the groom’s return. What a glorious picture that paints for us! One day, we will be “…caught up together in the air” to take part in the “…marriage supper of the Lamb,” to spend eternity with our Groom, the King of kings!
Until then we remain betrothed to our Groom, waiting anxiously for Him to receive the nod from His Father to return for us. Christ, in the meantime, cherishes and nourishes His church, and prepares a place for her. He will someday present to Himself a glorious church “…not having spot, or wrinkle…without blemish.” Using the heat of trials and tribulations, He irons out any deformity or defilement, He perfects and sanctifies us. He wants to endue us with holiness, to deliver us from the pollution of sin, and to make us pleasant and sweet-smelling in His sight.
As I age physically, time marches across my face, leaving so many wrinkles and blemishes, but as I mature in Christ, conform to His image, draw closer to Him through His Word and prayer, my spiritual wrinkles are being smoothed away, and someday this sanctified saint with be glorified as I have the opportunity to sit at that “…marriage supper of the Lamb.” What a day that will be!
Ephesians 5:27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see; When I look upon His face, the One Who saved me by His grace…What a day, glorious day, that will be!