Day One Hundred Twenty-Six “Thoroughly Furnished”

Let’s all jump into the time machine and travel back to 1975, the year when two starry-eyed kids were preparing for a new life together by renting their first nest. Come on in and see our handiwork! Our first home was a small, modest two-story rental house perched on a corner lot in my hometown of Ellwood City. We signed the rental agreement mid-summer of 1975, allowing plenty of time to prepare this doozy of a fixer-upper before our fall wedding. And we would need every bit of that time, the place was a disaster! But we were young and stupid, so we dug in, scrubbed every inch of the house, painted, and installed some free, slightly used remnant carpeting that a local college was pitching. After weeks of labor, the house was finally ready, but apart from a bed and dresser that we had on layaway, we were furniture-less, the nest was empty. But God would teach us early in our lives how to trust His provision, and soon we had gathered a well-worn couch and chair from an aunt, an old dining room table and chairs from a former teacher, some scratch-and-dent appliances, a few items from our parent’s homes, and voila, we had a thoroughly furnished home. Nothing matched, but we barely noticed; we were ready to embark on our journey together.
When we begin our life with Christ at salvation, we become the “temple of the Holy Ghost.” God desires for that temple to be “thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” The phrase used here means outwardly complete, perfect. He equips each of us with natural talents and spiritual gifts to use in our service for Christ and for the edification of other believers. To accomplish that service, we have to be a competent, proficient, and furnished workman. The act of furnishing our vessel can only be achieved through the Holy Scriptures, graciously given to us to instruct us in what is true (doctrine), reprove us when something is amiss (false teachings), correct us when we need restoration, and direct us in that which is good. All the furnishings we need are within the pages of that inspired Book. Knowledge from God’s Word renders the believer a “thoroughly furnished” vessel, “…sanctified, and meet for the master’s use.”
Oh, that we would love His Word more, allow it to fill our minds and to saturate our lives! Is our temple equipped and furnished, or are some of the rooms sadly vacant? The furnishings are freely available to us as the Holy Spirit instructs and sanctifies us through the blessed Word of God.
II Timothy 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Lord, help me to always take the time each day to furnish my temple in Your holy Word, gleaning precious gems to equip me for Your service. Thank You for that blessed Book!
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