Day One Hundred Thirty-Eight “Keystone”

An old tunnel marks the beginning and ending point of our weekly old-people-trying-to-stay-fit aerobic walk through an historic zoo. Although this local zoo first opened its doors to the public in 1898, I don’t know the specific age of this underpass. By all appearances, its existence spans decades, as it faithfully provides a gateway into the world of God’s amazing creativity, exemplified by the wide array animals on display just beyond its rugged arch. During our latest stroll through that park, my husband was pointing out to me the keystone of the arched landmark as we paused and examined the aged landmark. The keystone is a wedge-shaped piece at the crown of the tunnel that locks all the other pieces in place; it is the stone upon which all the associated stones depend for support. All arched structures rely on a keystone to hold the surrounding stones in place.
I am I life-long resident of Pennsylvania, often nicknamed the Keystone State. My home state is referenced to as the Keystone due to its central location in the early colonies and the vital, historical role this state played in holding that fledgling union of independent states together. Pennsylvania has a rich history and was strategic in forming what would become the greatest of nations, that cradle of freedom, holding a key position in the economic, social, and political development of the United States ever since.
We are reminded in Scripture that our spiritual foundation rests on our Savior, “Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” This “stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner.” Although rejected and tossed aside by those He came to save, Jesus gave His life to become the foundation Stone to all who would place their faith in Him, and everything we are to achieve in this life is built on that foundation He provided at Calvary.
But we are also reminded that something else is held in place by that Rock of Ages, for He is busy at the task of constructing a “building fitly framed together,” the church of Christ. Fitly framed, or to organize compactly, to render close-jointed together. I can’t help but think of that tunnel, composed of those tightly-packed old stones, perfectly arched, all held in place by that keystone. What a beautiful tribute to architectural skill it is, enduring the test of time, the severity of season changes, and the weight of the constant car traffic above its arches. But how much more marvelous is that glorious structure, this church of the living God, comprised of born-again believers, fit together perfectly, given an even greater strength of endurance, empowered by the Spirit of God Himself. The Keystone has been set, and as sinners place their faith and trust in that Keystone, He fits them into His landmark of grace.
As you embark on a new year, take a moment to consider if you have ever made the decision to become part of that building under construction, the body of Christ. Have you accepted the gift of grace offered freely through the blood of the sinless Lamb of God? If you have, take the opportunity now to thank the Keystone, that Cornerstone upon which you stand, for another year before you to serve and honor Him.
Ephesians 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together growth unto a holy temple in the Lord;
Thank You, Lord, for including me in that glorious temple that You are building. Thank You for being that Keystone, that Rock, upon which my soul rests!
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