Day One Hundred Forty-Seven “Scary Face”

Our young grandson shares his grandpa’s toy addiction, LEGO’s. He loves taking the instruction booklet, separating all the pieces, and meticulously constructing the finished product. As an occasional treat, grandpa and grandson will make a pilgrimage to the local LEGO store together, checking out all the newest designs and compiling a mental wish lists of sets that they would love to purchase someday. On a recent outing, Grandpa allowed his little LEGO buddy to construct three small figurines. When they returned home and he showed me his newly-created LEGO people, I was a bit taken back, because one had a scary, mean face. Seems that I know my grandson very well, for as the day ended and the sun set, he brought me that figurine and whispered, Grandma, this guy’s face scares me. With the assistance of a permanent marker and minimal artistic skills, I covered the scary face, replacing it with an nonthreatening, happy face.
God had patiently warned the nation of Judah of impending judgment due to their hardhearted, disobedient ways. Prophet after prophet had pleaded with God’s people to repent and “turn from their evil ways.” God could bear their sin no longer, so He sought out a gentle, tender man from Anathoth in Benjamin, namely Jeremiah, to carry His message once more to a rebellious people. The almighty God of creation reminded His hesitant prophet that “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” This is your moment, son, this is the purpose that I had in mind when I created you. Jeremiah responded in fear, “Ah, LORD God! behold I cannot speak…” But God had a message for Jeremiah to deliver, a job for him to do, encouraging him to “Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.”
Don’t be afraid of those hateful, defiant faces, Jeremiah. I have commissioned you; I will strengthen you; I am here to protect you; I will be with you. “I have put my words in thy mouth.” Go do the job that I have called you to do. This weeping, timid, tenderhearted man of God would overcome his fears and morph into a prophet of steel when empowered by his mighty God.
What special assignment does God have for you? Does He have a message for you to deliver? Where will He send you today? Just as God supplied His servant of old with all he needed to accomplish his mission, He will do the same for you. Don’t be afraid of their faces! Go and tell with confidence the story of your Father’s love.
II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Lord, often I am “afraid of their faces,” frightened by the prospect of rejection as I share Your Word and live a separated life in an ungodly world. Encourage me, as You did Your prophet of old, to be driven by faith, not by fear.
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