Praise the Lord!

Just wanted to give you all an update on this blog project. I am completing day 280 today!!!! I can’t believe it, only 85 days to go! Over 150 of those devotions have been shared with you on this blog. As you know, this project has had as its goal the writing and compiling of 365 days of devotions-one for each day of the year-to leave behind for my precious grandchildren. God has blessed so overwhelmingly, for He has taught me much, drew me deeper into His Word, made me more dependent on Him. And I also owe a huge thank you to those of you who have been such an encouragement, pushing me along the way, especially on those blank-page days.
May I take the opportunity to encourage YOU today! Perhaps God is challenging your comfort zone this year with some new ministry or outreach. Go for it! When He assigns you a task, He WILL supply the ability to complete that task. Break some new ground with Him this year! And again, thanks for reading!
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
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