Day One Hundred Ninety-Two “Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks”

We spent way too much money this summer on something seemingly stupid…rocks. Not exotic vacations, four-star restaurants, or shopping sprees…rocks! As a result of years of erosion, our dirt driveway had become rutted and uneven. A typical summer thunderstorm would transform the driveway into several small lakes, making a trip from the house to the garage one muddy mess, an accident waiting to happen. We definitely needed some stepping stones to provide us with a sturdier foundation upon which to walk and drive, twelve tons of foundation to be exact! But at the same time, five minutes away from our home, our son would be paying someone to remove rocks from his driveway. These rocks, mounded a few feet from his porch, were the results of excavating the foundation for his home. But these unearthed rocks were a hazard to his young children, who could easily stumble into these massive stones and suffer serious injury. Stones: paying to buy them, paying to remove them, some useful and purposeful, some dangerous and unnecessary, therein lies a good lesson for us!
I need to consider my life carefully; am I a stumbling block in my brother or sister’s path, or am I a stepping stone for them on this pilgrim journey? A stumbling block is an obstacle blocking progress, an impediment. Am I standing in someone’s way, hurting the cause of Christ by way of my sour attitude, questionable life choices, and careless words? Do I exercise my liberty that I found at the cross of Christ to live as I please, to “defile them that are weak,” leading others away from the Light rather than drawing them closer? Is that liberty worth endangering another’s walk with God? Am I transparent and real in my Christian walk, or am I hypocritical and fake, a Sunday morning saint?
My desire is to be so in sync with the Word of God that He can use me as a stepping stone, a stone on which to step, a means of progress or advancement. Is my testimony clean enough, strong enough, to shine His light to lost souls and stumbling saints? Am I a cheerleader, an encouragement for those who may be weary and weak, distracted by worldly cares, burdened under a heavy load, wavering in their faith? Am I available to the Holy Spirit when a kind word needs to be spoken, a chore needs to be done, a word of exhortation needs to be spoken, a helping hand needs to be extended? Am I willing to be used and spent to further the kingdom of Christ, willing to die to self to live for Him? We are warned time and again in Scripture not to hinder the weaker brother, but to bear their burdens with them. Let’s set out today with the goal of being a stepping stone to someone needing a more sure foundation, relying on the power of His Spirit to impact the lives of others.
Romans 14:13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way.
To each is given ere life is flown; A stumbling block or a stepping stone. RL Sharpe
Lord, convict my heart immediately when I take the role of stumbling block. Forgive me and show me how to be used as a stepping stone, leading others to You.
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