I had warned my students so often that I was weary of hearing the same exhortation over and over and over again. Our small, church-school employed as their curriculum an Accelerated Christian Education format, designed for independent work by way of individual packets of learning, or books, referred to as PACE’s. When a student successfully completed all the work contained in one PACE, they progressed to the next level. But there was one particular math booklet that instilled fear and terror into the most industrious of students. In order to have any prayer of passing the final test, one prerequisite was required, MEMORIZE THE FORMULAS, all of them, areas, circumferences, perimeter, volume…the list seemed endless. Guys, learn the formulas and you can successfully solve any problem thrown at you; if you don’t memorize the formulas, this will NOT be a pleasant experience for you. Most often, it was NOT a pleasant experience!
God’s Word presents a clear formula for making right decisions, a pattern by which He will lead you “in the right way.” “Abraham was old and well-stricken in age” and he had one burning desire, one task to be accomplished before he died, and that would be to procure a wife for his precious, promised son, Isaac. He would place this burdensome task squarely on the shoulders of “the eldest servant of his (Abraham’s) house.” When Eliezer was confronted with this awesome responsibility, he would apply the first step of good decision-making, giving the situation some serious consideration. Simply speaking, he would pause and THINK it through; he would not be rash and haphazard in his approach, but instead, thoughtful and committed, determined to make the correct choice. He discussed the possible scenarios with his master, Abraham, “Peradventure the woman be not willing to follow me…” Should I bring Isaac to her? Is that an option? What are your wishes and thoughts, Abraham? I deeply respect you and I want to please you, so let’s talk this over. I need your counsel.
Eliezer then embarks on his journey and travels back to Abraham’s kindred land where he plugs in the second factor of the formula, PRAYER. “O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed…shew kindness unto my master Abraham.” Eliezer humbly sought God with a sincere heart and a specific request, fervently seeking God’s hand and guidance in this awesome decision-making process. Eliezer then adds the most difficult element to the equation, he WAITS on God. When Rebekah arrived on the scene, this wise servant did not jump ahead of God, he waited, “wondering…to wit whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.” We are often more in a hurry than God is. It is then time to slow down and learn from Eliezer, who waited patiently, letting God clearly confirm His will. Is it any wonder that Eliezer’s name in Hebrew was translated God, his help, for God truly was his help.
Eliezer would find that Rebekah was the RIGHT DECISION, the chosen wife for the Patriarch, Isaac, and his joyous response to his prayer-answering God would be: “And I bowed my head, and worshipped the LORD…which had led me in the right way.” God blessed this servant of Abraham richly because he based his decision making on that wise formula: T + P + W = RD. Think and Pray and Wait equals Right Decision. Try it the next time you are confronted with a difficult decision!
Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
Lord, I tend to be rash at times, jumping into situations before I think and pray. And it is so difficult to wait at times, but help me to learn to pause and wait for You to lead.