Day Two Hundred Two “Breath into Bones”

If you have never read about it, perhaps you have sung about it: The foot bone’s connected to the ankle bone, the ankle bone’s connected to the leg bone…’dem bones, ‘dem bones, ‘dem dry bones…and on it goes. As I read through a passage of Scripture, often I pause for a moment, close my eyes, and allow my imagination to transport me into the story, and this one is a real doozie! So picture this, you are standing beside the prophet Ezekiel in an “open valley” which was “full of bones…and lo, they were very dry.” Creepy, right? Then God commands Ezekiel to “Prophesy upon these bones,” speak to them, cause these bones to “hear the word of the LORD.” Preach to those bones, Ezekiel! What happens next is chilling indeed!
In the quietness of that valley “there was a noise, and behold a shaking.” Those random bones lying in disarray before the prophet begin to shake, to move, to come together, “bone to his bone.” When the skeletons assemble themselves before the astonished man of God, “the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them…but there was no breath in them,” they were still dead, UNTIL “the breath came upon them…and they lived.” What was once a pile of dead bones has been transformed into living, breathing creations. Whoa, that’s one amazing scene unfolding before a stunned prophet!
As unbelievable as that story sounds, it is an accurate summary of MY story, MY testimony. Just as the dry bones in Ezekiel’s vision, so was I, no life, no hope, no purpose, alone in a valley of dead bones. I knew all about religion, but nothing about the Savior. I knew of God, but did not have a personal relationship with Him. I was trying my best to be my best, but my best always fell short. I was broken. But then, in a moment in time, Christ picked up those broken pieces, reassembled my life, clothed me in His righteousness, and breathed into me the breath of spiritual life. I was born anew! That miracle of life occurred on February 16, 1975, and it would be the first step on my spiritual pilgrimage. I met my Savior in the valley of dry bones, and He miraculously gave me life.
Ezekiel was given this vision as an encouragement to the nation of Israel, comforting them with the promise that although God had judged them and scattered them among the heathen, he had not forsaken them. He would restore them, gather them together in their own land again, and they would be “one nation.” I am so thankful that He has restored me, made me one with Him, and will someday soon gather me home to His land of promise. I’m grateful that He found me, lost in the valley of dead bones.
If you find yourself in that lonely, dry valley today, have hope, for He is seeking YOU! Let go of you own efforts and allow Him to clothe you in His righteousness. Allow His unfathomable love to breathe new life into your soul today. The price has already been paid on an old rugged cross.
II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Lord, I’m so grateful for that day that You found me. Thank You for Your mercy, grace, and love, a love that breathes new life into those who trust in You.
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