Day Two Hundred Twelve “Good ole’ Pah”

Unfortunately for those who live with us, the female emotional meter can pivot from laughing to weeping in a heartbeat, and that’s exactly what happens to me when I picture the humorous, yet deeply touching scene pictured above. Much like Linus, that sweet character of Charlie Brown fame, my eldest son had quite an affection for his security blanket. Fondly referred to as Pah, this soft, well-worn companion accompanied my son everywhere: outings, doctor’s appointments, lunch time, play time, bedtime, in a word, EVERYWHERE! But problems arose when his somewhat tattered buddy needed a bath, then the struggle and agony involved in taking the blanket and tossing into the washing machine began, clearly evident by his determined resistance. I can still see my tiny toddler, standing outside under the clothes line, one hand gripping tightly to a wet Pah, the other hand supplying a thumb on which to suck, waiting patiently for his beloved companion to dry and return to his arms.
So what does that old blanket, retirement funds, fire insurance, savings accounts, and nuclear subs all have in common? They are all designed to provide a sense of security in a world that is increasingly insecure. Security is one of the most sought-after, and unfortunately illusive, commodities in our society today. I can giggle at my son’s constant need for that security blanket, but when I seek financial or personal security in my own life, the subject suddenly becomes one of a serious nature.
It is often easier to skim over all those Mosaic Law chapters of the Bible than to try and take in all the guidelines of that seemingly endless list of rules and regulations, but there are some important gems tucked away for us in those difficult passages. When God instructed the children of Israel in regards to selecting a king, He gives a rather odd admonition that a king “shall not multiply horses unto himself.” Horses? Why would God specifically mention horses? Who cares how many horses someone has?
Nearly 3,000 years ago, in the ancient Eastern culture, the ultimate, super-duper military weapon was the horse and chariot. Israel had witnessed that power first hand in the land of their captivity, as Egypt’s powerful army pursued them with “all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh.” They had experienced that raw strength, the invincibility associated with that stunning herd of horses and chariots coming at them. But Israel was to be different, unique among the heathen countries around them; they were to place their trust in a God Who would fight their battles for them, a God Who would be their ultimate security.
Years later, a godly King David would understand that concept as he boldly declared, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.” David got it, he understood the answer to the national security problems of his day…and ours, as he boldly affirmed that his confidence was rooted in the name of his God. Our world has many paths to security and peace of mind, but only one prevails above the others. Trust in His Word, His promises, and His care! In these troubling times, may we “remember the name of the LORD our God.”
Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
God, in turbulent days, help me not to trust “in horses,” but in the power of Your name. Help me to seek out Your security, not the vain security the world would try to offer me.
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