In my experience, this phenomenon is simply a myriad of really bizarre scenarios tied together by a few hours of darkness. My brain can conjure up some of the most unique, terrifying, and just plain weird dreams on record. My husband never recalls his dreams, so he is dumbfounded as I relay the mystifying scenes that play out on my brain’s imax theater screen on a nightly basis. As far back as Plato and Aristotle, numerous hypothesis have been suggested as to how we dream, why we dream, and the significance of those dreams. Are these night visions simply the meaningless by-products of neuronal activity, or the mechanism whereby the brain incorporates memories, solves problems, and deals with our emotional health? Yet all our attempts to demystify our nocturnal brain activity still doesn’t answer the question, why do we dream?
God often used dreams and visions to reveal His plans and to communicate His Word to His spokesmen. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Samuel, and Solomon are but a small sampling of Old Testament figures moved through visions. Even a godless Egyptian Pharaoh, an Amalekite soldier, and a Babylonian king would discover God’s future plans through dreams. In the era of the New Testament, Zacharias, Joseph, Peter, Paul, and John would also learn of heavenly events to come through visions and dreams. But as I weave my way through the Book of Daniel, I come to the realization that the breath-taking scope of his prophesies, dreams, and visions are unparalleled…and at times, baffling. I was comforted by the fact that even Daniel didn’t fully understand all that was revealed to him. “And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” I don’t understand all these things which You are revealing to me, my God: titanic battles for ‘a glorious land,’ strange beasts in a struggle for power, a ‘time of trouble,’ and a ‘time when many shall be purified.’
Much of future history was laid out before Daniel in those strange dreams and visions, centuries before the events would actually transpire. But we have an even sharper picture of future events in the light of New Testament prophecies revealed to us, and with that privilege comes the awesome responsibility and commission to share the gospel to a lost world before the window of grace closes and God’s prophetic clock nears those end times.
Everything in the book of Daniel, and Scripture as a whole, points to the sovereignty of God in the affairs of men. He controls the times and the seasons, raises up and removes kings at His discretion, sends seasons of abundant rain and troublesome dearth, and He is the One whose “dominion is an everlasting dominion…which shall not be destroyed.” He controls it all, He orders it all, He is not taken by surprise by the events we experience. What a peace that brings in troubled times! And through the blood of Christ, I can share with Daniel the same precious promise given to him at the close of his book, “But go thou thy way till the end be; for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” I may not fully understand all of those deep dreams of Daniel, but I do understand that my fate is sealed by the One Who gave those dreams. My world may be a troubling place, but in my God’s hands rest “the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” The road my be rough at times, but I shall find rest…and stand!
Job 12:10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.
Psalm 22:28 For the kingdom is the LORD’s: and he is the governor among the nations.
Lord, in troubling, frightening times, peace is mine when I realize that everything is under Your mighty hand. Nothing takes You be surprise, for You order the events of our lives. Help us to share that peace with those who have no hope in times of trouble.