Strange Encouragement

The year was 1976 and the month was June. Two sweethearts had saved a whopping $200.00 with which to enjoy a honeymoon, finally! They had been married since November of the previous year, but finances were tight and time off from work was not an option. But now they were ready to venture out in their 1971 Dodge Dart Swinger (a clunker that sounded much like a dying sewing machine) and have an adventure. And an adventure it was! When our brave youngsters arrived in the big city, they were surprised that the ratty hotel that was offering that “great deal” was a bit…ummm…questionable? But it didn’t matter to these two naive kids, they were going to stand atop that wonder of architecture, the brand new World Trade Center, and these were OUR tickets. I still remember the breathtaking view and the wonder of that moment, and sharing it all with the man of my dreams.
Those towers are no longer standing, brought down on a day that changed our world. I remember the fear and uncertainty brought about by the tragic events of 9/11, trying to explain the un-explainable to my children, wondering if life would ever feel normal again. God reminded me today that even though we were so frightened, He proved Himself sufficient and faithful. We came together as a nation during those dark days; we pulled together, prayed together, worked together, and brought out the best in each other. Let’s all be patient with our leaders and with each other, choosing to pray rather than to grumble, always on the lookout for a way to encourage someone else, all while resting in the fact that God is still in control. It’s amazing to me the peace that these two ticket stubs brought to my troubled heart today. I pray that it does for yours also. Be safe my friends.
II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
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