Day Two Hundred Thirty-One “Trust Me”

Life is filled with those uncomfortable, unnerving occasions when we are forced to trust another person, even though we may not fully understand the process. My son-in-law is a classic case in point. He is one of those computer nerds, one of those lofty individuals who truly understands all that techno-gibberish. On a recent visit to our home, he set up a new laptop for me, and to be blunt, it was VERY hard to sit quietly on the sidelines and watch the process unfold. Windows were opening and closing (on the screen, not actual house windows), instructions were being deleted, passwords entered. I wanted to blurt out, Are you sure about this? But I was well-aware of what the response would be, You may not fully understand what I’m doing, but trust me, I do. Be it a surgeon’s scalpel, a physician’s prescription, a dentist’s drill, a hair-dresser’s scissors, a pilot’s skill, or a knowledgeable son-in-law, sometimes we have to place our trust in another’s specialty.
The prophet Habakkuk was distraught at the thought of the wicked getting away with their evil lifestyle. His own nation of Judah was steeped in hardheartedness and idolatry, and God seemed too slow in His response, for in Habakkuk’s eyes, God’s “judgment doth never go forth.” But when God answers his prophet’s complaint by assuring him that punishment is coming, for “lo, I raise up the Chaldeans,” the army of Babylon, that heathen, idol-worshiping nation, to exact judgment on Judah’s sin, Habakkuk was even more confused. Wait, how can a just God use a more-sinful people to punish a less-sinful people. Where is His justice when an arrogant, heathen people are used to oppress the children of God? Yes, Judah was deserving of punishment, but by Babylon, the very center of pagan worship? God, that just doesn’t make sense. God lovingly reassured his questioning child that Babylon too would be punished, but in His time. Until then, Habakkuk, “the just shall live by faith.”
There are times when we all grapple with trusting the wisdom and goodness of God, times when the world around us seems so desperately out-of-whack, times when our understanding and insight are limited by our earthly view. But let’s take an example from a confused prophet as he offers up lyrical praise to the One Who is deserving of our upmost trust. “Yet will I rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength…and he will make me to walk upon my high places.” I don’t fully understand Your plan, Lord God of my fathers, but I will trust You, I will praise You, I will be at peace in the security of my faith in You. That course of action will serve us well in this confusing world in which we find ourselves today.
Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.
Thank You, Lord, that You are dependable, the solid Rock upon which I can cast my faith when I don’t understand my circumstances. Lord, help my weak faith to trust You more, knowing that You love me beyond my understanding.
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