Day Two Hundred Thirty-Eight “Superheroes”

What child isn’t mesmerized by superheroes? Typically possessing supernatural powers, including lightning-fast speed, mind-boggling agility, and abounding strength, these fictional characters fend off evil forces in the universe, protect the public masses, and battle super villains. A staple in American comic books and films since the 1930’s, these superheroes have battled their archenemies by utilizing their exceptional abilities and super strength for generations. Masked crime fighters, such as Batman, Superman, and Captain America, have inspired many a young child to don a make-shift blanket cape, a knitted wing cap, and to transport themselves, through the window of imagination, to a world of heroes, bad guys, thrilling battles, and happy endings.
If you had to compile a list of the strongest men in the Bible, superheroes so to speak, who would you include in the compilation? I’m sure Samson would be at the top of many lists, that man who ripped a lion who “roared against him” to shreds using “nothing in his hand.” Wow, what raw power! Then there was Joshua, God’s powerful general, who would lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land, conquering cities and peoples, armed with the pure strength of God. And every child is in awe at a young, shepherd boy who would fell a giant with a rock and a sling. Strong men, superheroes to be sure.
But have you taken a moment to consider that some of God’s greatest superheroes were, from a physical point of view, not in possession of super strength? Consider Jeremiah, that tender prophet, who was often reduced to tears at the thought of his sin-ridden, backslidden, soon-to-be-exiled countrymen. Then there was Daniel, whose claim to fame is sitting quietly and at peace in a den of lions, a man of faithful prayer and awesome visions. And ponder for a moment timid Timothy, a young preacher boy who suffered from stomach issues and “often infirmities,” but found the inner courage to confront the heretics of his day and lead his congregation.
The prophet Zechariah predicts that in the last days that “he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David.” Strength to do God’s work is not limited by our physical stamina. God’s superheroes are those who are strong in their relationship with God, not those endowed with superpowers. Being weak physically, advanced in years, or limited in strength does not exclude you from His list of superheroes. He can use any vessel that is willing and pliable in His hands.
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Lord, thank You for using even the seemingly weakest among us to accomplish Your will. You are not limited by our physical shortcomings, our advanced years, or our frail bodies. Help us to be willing vessels.
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