Two BIG Announcements…

Yes, the cat is DEFINITELY out of the bag! If your home is anything like mine right now, you are ordering quite a few items online since shopping in person has become difficult. So to help you out, we are having another Amazon $25.00 gift card giveaway. Maybe we will call this one “A-Lifeline-in-Quarantine Giveaway?” Please get signed up via email or Facebook messenger and join the many who are already eligible for this giveaway. The drawing will be Monday, May 18th, at 8:00 pm. I’m praying that this is truly a help to one of my readers during this difficult time.
Big announcement number 2: If your children have been viewing my Facebook stories for children during these stay-at-home LONG days, I am trying something to make those stories a little easier to access. I have mustered all my cyber-techno skills (yikes!) and started a YouTube channel (are you frightened yet?). I am uploading all the stories, including the “Charlie” series, on that page. All the videos are titled to make the search uncomplicated. If you are interested, go to YouTube and search Cathy Winkle…my page has daises on the top and my picture. I will try in the future to include a link on this page to access that YouTube channel, but that will take more knowledge and skill than I have…that falls into the son-in-law department, for sure!
Stay safe, my friends, and use this unfortunate event to draw closer to your family, and more importantly, to God. Thanks for reading!
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