Stories Uploaded!
Hi, folks! I have compiled a list of some of the stories I have up on YouTube. These are all kid-based (late preschool-elementary), so please share with anyone who you feel could be helped by them: Sunday School Charlie and the Mystery at Oak Street School Series (theme: together for good, memory verse, Romans 8:28); Charlie and Lass Series (theme: the Good Shepherd, memory verse, John 10:11); Charlie and the Secret Present Series (theme: Christian Growth, memory verse, 2 Peter 3:18); The Broken Vase (theme: Curiosity, memory verse, Proverbs 25:28); Madeline Gladys Glenn (theme: Anger, memory verse, Proverbs 25:28); Tim’s Temper (theme: Self Control, memory verse, Proverbs 25:28); Christine Forgives Frog (theme: Forgiveness, memory verse, Proverbs 25:28); The Walking Umbrella (theme: Salvation, memory verse, John 14:6); Special Hands (theme: Salvation, memory verse, John 14:6); and The Doll That Grew (theme: Sibling Rivalry, memory verse, Proverbs 25:28). There is also a Sing-a-long posted that reviews memory verses (all set to music).
I will hopefully be starting a new Charlie series next week, and then possible a missionary themed week.
Until I have a link up on this site, you can access these videos either on my Facebook page, or on YouTube…search Cathy Winkle (my channel has my picture and daises on the top). I pray that these videos will be a blessing to children who are experiencing such upheaval in their young lives during these difficult days, while providing their mommies with a bit of a break. The videos are far from professionally done, but they are Bible-based and are loaded with tons of love for your little jewels. Please share them with others as we strive to get God’s Word into sweet littles! Thanks for reading and stay safe! Cathy
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