Day Two Hundred Forty-Nine “Top Seven”

It was a format developed in the early 1950’s, using the classic jukebox as its medium. If you don’t know what a jukebox is, you obviously did not spend your teen years in the 50’s or early 60’s. A jukebox was a coin-operated, automated, music-playing device popular in every teenage hangout in the mid-20th Century. With the drop of a coin, one could select from the most popular tunes of the day and play that selection for the enjoyment of everyone at the establishment. I have fond memories of sitting in a booth at our local Isaly’s, waiting impatiently for my turn to put my dime to good use. A system was developed using the number of plays on local jukeboxes to compose a weekly list for local radio broadcasters, a Top 40 format of most played tunes. The format was successful and is still recognized as the countdown of the most popular songs of the day.
My mind wandered back to that classic Isaly’s booth as I read a passage in Proverbs today. “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea seven are an abomination unto him.” That is strong language, a top 7 of things that God hates, finds intolerable, vile, and ugly. “A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among the brethren.” Wow, I have been guilty of bending the truth, I have wallowed in pride, and although I have never “shed blood,” I have entertained some ugly, hateful thoughts. My feet have most definitely run into mischief on occasions, and sadly, my heart has birthed some “wicked imaginations,” but it was the last admonition that pricked my heart, that of sowing discord.
The church of Jesus Christ is under attack, war has been declared on her from the moment of her inception, for she is the vehicle by which the Gospel will be spread to every creature. But Satan’s strategy is often more lethal and insidious than that of any superpower. By putting us at odds with each other, Satan stirs up a community of strife rather than a haven of support. As we are nudged to battle among ourselves, Satan strikes a blow without firing a shot. One surrender to the temptation to gossip, a few discouraging words voiced in passing, a judgmental look, a murmuring, complaining attitude, can all be conduits to sowing discord, dividing the body of Christ, rather than uniting her for the task set before her. “Discord among the brethren,” It’s in the top 7 for God hates it, so I should as well.
Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Lord, help us live peaceful, cooperative, encouraging lives within the body of Christ. Help us to guard our words carefully and never be guilty of sowing discord.
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