We have all heard the stories at one time or another, stories of ordinary people exhibiting extraordinary strength during a time of crisis. Those heroic stories usually involve someone singlehandedly lifting heavy objects-cars, beams, trees-to free a trapped individual. There is even a story recorded from 1988, when a Vietnam veteran displayed superhuman strength and somehow managed to lift a crashed helicopter to free his partner and friend. When faced with fear or danger, the human body undergoes some amazing changes. The stessor (traumatic event) stimulates the hypothalamus, which in turn sends a signal to the adrenal glands. The body is sent into an excited state, releasing adrenaline, which increases the heart and respiration rates, allowing muscles to contract and oxygen to flow more easily. The adrenaline facilitates the conversion of the body’s fuel source into a sudden burst of glucose, strengthening the muscles further. Tada, superpowers!
The human body is an amazing machine, the unique creation of an inventive God. But spiritual superpowers have little to do with adrenaline, but rather, our relationship to God. David, that shepherd boy turned king, would experience such power. He also loved to sing, and Psalm 18 is his song of victory praising his God Who had once again delivered him from his enemies. Through God’s power, David’s feet were swift, “like hinds’ feet,” enabling him to “run through a troop;” his strength, so strong that “a bow of steel is broken by mine (David’s) arms;” his agility, amazing, “by my God I have leaped over a wall…my feet did not slip;” his endurance, beyond explanation as he “pursued” his “enemies and overtaken them.” Let’s see-super speed, unexplained strength and endurance, arms of steel, wall-leaping agility-sounds like superpowers to me!
The humble psalmist was careful to point out the source of those superpowers: “I will love thee, O LORD, my strength…thou hast delivered me…blessed me…avengeth me.” And this man “after God’s own heart” was committed to praising and thanking the God Who empowered him with that supernatural strength.
That same power is available to all of us who have been grafted into the family of God! It’s yours for the asking.
Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
Lord, thank You for the infusion of Your power into our fragile, human lives!