Saturday Reminders…

Just three quick Saturday reminders…First, please don’t forget that our Amazon have-some-fun-while-in-quarantine gift card giveaway is fast approaching! I’m sure that everyone could use a $25.00 shopping spree about now! The drawing will be held on Monday, May 18th, at 8:00, so get signed up if you haven’t already. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you.
Secondly, if you have little ones, or know someone who does, please be reminded that I have uploaded a ton of stories (late preschool-elementary) on a YouTube page for easy access. Just Google YouTube and search Cathy Winkle and you will find the stories. Everything on my channel is child-oriented with Bible lessons included, no advertisements and I have each story titled for easy use. Each lesson is approximately 20-25 minutes in length. I would be honored if you would make use of those stories during these stuck-in-the-house days.
Finally, I am posting more than one story on my blog most days in an effort to post all 365 stories by early June. I am working on final drafts now with hopes of publishing the complete set of devotionals as a gift for my grandchildren. Thank you to all who have supported me on this journey.
Stay safe, friends, and get signed up for the gift card and YouTube channel!
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