Recently I had the opportunity to stroll through a local park where I had passed many a childhood summer day. Armed with a grandchild in each hand, we walked up to the old chain-link fence surrounding a small, shallow baby pool. How many days I had passed puddling around this teeny water haven, deeply jealous of my older sister who was swimming in the adjacent big kid’s pool. Oh, how I envied her! In the course of time, the day came when it was my turn in that huge pool, but with that graduation came the realization that I wasn’t a skilled swimmer as was my sister, and my time would be spent in the shallow end. If I did muster the courage to venture toward the rope that designated the deep end, I clung desperately to the cement edge of the pool, tiptoeing my way into deeper waters, and quickly returning to the shallow end. I could only witness from afar the fun that the hoard of kiddos were enjoying in the deeper waters: diving off a giant diving board, performing Olympic-worthy cannon balls, splashing, giggling, performing perfect water-borne somersaults. As enjoyable as the deep waters seemed, fear had taken hold of this young girl and I chose the safety of the familiar. But my good ‘ole sis took matters into her own hands, as older siblings often do, and taught her baby sister how to swim the simple way-one good shove off the edge into the deep end. I learned to swim, in very short order.
When it comes to launching into deeper waters, sometimes it still takes a shove to convince me to accept the challenge. The fisherman Simon was conflicted when commanded by Jesus to “Launch out into the deep.” Simon’s ship was close to shore, giving Jesus a platform to teach a multitude of people who had “pressed upon him to hear the word of God.” The ship was edging the shore, “out a little from the land.” Let’s go into the deeper waters, Simon; have your men put out the nets. I know that this is a perplexing thought for you, for you have fished all night and failed. You have heard Me preach, but now truly experience Me. Deeper waters, Simon! Simon didn’t understand, but “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” And oh what fun was waiting in those deep waters! Simon Peter “was astonished, and all that were with him,” as that net burst with fish. Only in the deep end of the pool could he have experienced such wondrous power.
If the Lord asks YOU to “launch out” into deeper waters, GO! Allow Him to stretch your comfort zone and expose you to all the wonders that He has in store for you. It’s a little scary in the deep end of the pool, but it is also tons of fun!
Luke 5:4 Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
Lord, the deep end is scary, but so much fun. Give us the courage to plunge into the deeper waters with You.