In the course of my teaching career, I have been fortunate enough to have encountered a myriad of some truly gifted young people. I met one such student in the autumn years of my teaching career. This young lady was simply amazing; she could take a camera and not only capture what the camera saw, but also what she, as the artist, saw; she used her tool not to create merely a photograph, but a piece of art. Yes, she understood all the technical skills, such as shutter speed, lighting, lenses, and focus, but she also had the uncanny ability to marry those skills with artistic talent, creativity, and deep sensitivity. She used her camera to its fullest potential, as an artist would use a paintbrush and easel. She was blessed with a natural eye for composition and light, we say that she is a gifted photographer. But I have met other students who could take a musical instrument and make it sing; we would state that they have musical genius. My path has crossed with a young lady who could take a blank sheet of paper and create beauty with simple words; we would say that she is a gifted writer. I have even had a student who could take a raw piece of wood and turn it into a beautiful creation; we would agree that he is a gifted craftsman. But if a young man or woman can take the raw materials of life and skillfully shape them according to the blueprint God has provided in His Word, we call them wise.
Wisdom, according to God’s Word, had absolutely nothing to do with IQ, but everything to do with obedience. The Book of Proverbs is one of the most practical books in the Old Testament, a collection of approximately 900 inspiring precepts, timeless teachings for everyday living. Folly and wisdom, laziness and initiative, pride and humility, friends and enemies, vengeance and justice, anger and self-control, a spiteful tongue and a loving spirit, just a few of the maxims covered in this book of wisdom. King Solomon challenges the reader to hunt for, to embrace, and to employ this heavenly wisdom as they go about their earthly journey. The words are a treasure trove of building blocks for a successful life.
But the choice is ours; do we choose a life of wisdom, or the life of folly? If I could gather all my students of old, I would mirror Solomon’s words: “Happy is the man (or young person) that findeth wisdom…the merchandise of silver…more precious than rubies…in her left hand riches and honour, her ways are ways of pleasantness.” And I would share with them that wisdom “is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her.” Earthly talents and skills are awesome, but pick up that precious book today and don’t be surprised if God blesses you with some heavenly wisdom!
Proverbs 3:13 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Lord, help us to be mindful of the wisdom associated with Your Word. May we so immerse ourselves in it’s precepts the Your wisdom flows through our lives.