Wow, it is so hard to believe that I am approaching the end of this writing journey. Hopefully by the end of June, I will have all of my devotionals posted. I cannot find the words to thank those of you who have been so supportive of this project of love meant for my grandchildren. I pray that it has been a bit of a blessing to you. As a special thank you, I will offer one last giveaway, a $25.00 Visa card for you to enjoy! Our final drawing will be Monday, June 22, at 8:00 pm, so if you are new to this site, this is your last opportunity to sign up!
As a quick reminder, please check out or subscribe to my YouTube channel (Cathy Winkle) if you are in need of some short stories and Bible memory time for your kiddos. I will post a new story every week through June. Over fifty stories are already uploaded for your use…the Charlie Series among my personal favorites.
Have a pleasant Memorial Day weekend and stay safe out there!