A mysterious stranger, his face swathed in bandages and his eyes obscured by dark spectacles, has taken a room at a cozy inn in the British village of Ipping. The stranger is Dr. Jack Griffen, a fictional chemist who is conducting a series of tests with a strange new drug called monocane, a drug which renders Dr. Griffen invisible. But alas, due to the side effects of the drug, Dr. Griffen begins to act out in maniacal and dangerous ways, wreaking havoc upon an entire community. Based on the 1897 science fiction novel by H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man, released in 1933, would become one of Hollywood’s most successful and spooky horror films. As bizarre as the premise sounds, it did achieve its intended goal; it scared this young girl silly!
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The word translated substance is from the Greek word, hypostasis, or a standing under, something that, though unseen, exists beneath what is visible. It is the unseen support, somewhat like the underground foundation that forms the basis for a building, a huge structure, or our homes. That faith is the title deed, the assurance, upon which everything in our life is built.
There is a stunning example of this unseen faith contained within the little-read chapters that conclude of the Book of Numbers. What begins with “When ye come into the land of Canaan…” ends with a detailed description of inheritances which would be given to the children of Israel, thousands of square miles of real estate to be divided among them, when as yet the nation of Israel did not possess so much as one shovelful of dirt. Representatives where chosen to “divide the land,” a land they did not own. The Levites are given forty-eight cities, none of which had been conquered. Yet Joshua, fortified by faith, the “evidence of things not seen,” would prepare his people to fight the battles which, by faith, were already won.
As I face my daily struggles and battles, when I am weary and discouraged, shaken to my core, I need to remind myself of the firm assurance and steadfast hope that is mine. I can stand upon the foundation beneath my feet, the promises contained in His precious Word, promises built upon eternal truths that are invisible to the outward eye. Just as the Hebrew children could base their actions of promises yet to be fulfilled, so can I, for I have the title deed to those invisible promises!
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Thank You, Lord, for gifting us with faith, a faith upon which we can base our lives, a faith which forms the basis of our hope for eternity.