Day Fifteen “Distracted Driving”

What is going on in that car in front of us? First he hugs the center line, crosses over into the oncoming lane, then he corrects himself and skirts over to the edge of the road. Whoa, there he goes again! This weaving is giving me motion sickness. The speed is also spastic, slowing to a crawl, then accelerating. I’m not the most patient of drivers, so I think it’s definitely time to lose this guy! As we pass him in an attempt to establish a safe distance between our car and his, the problem becomes obvious, he is distracted by his cell phone. It may be a social media addiction, a text to a friend, an incoming call, or simply a map check, but regardless of the reason, it’s dangerous both to him and those of us who are sharing the road with him. His preoccupation with his phone could be a fatal mistake, involving innocent bystanders, putting others lives in peril. Please put that phone away, focus on the road and your destination, and let’s all get there safely!
Distractions in our walk with Christ can be even more dangerous than this driver’s phone. When technology, money, relationships, work, hobbies, or anything else consumes our time and takes our focus off of the Captain of our vessel, we are in serious peril. When Christ no longer steers our ship and we foolishly take the wheel, the waves will soon overtake our vessel. As the world’s allure clamors for our attention, Satan deceives us into thinking that we can multitask, walking with the world and walking with Christ simultaneously. Don’t let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of the Lord. Be alert to those distractions that steal the time and attention that rightly belong to the Lord, even if they seem harmless in nature. Never allow anything to pivot you away from your personal time with Him, for that fellowship at His feet is a prerequisite for growth. Put down the cell phone, focus on your destination, deepen your walk with the Lord, and establish a life that is well-pleasing to Christ.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Father, the world can be so noisy with so many things battling for our time and attention. Lord, help me to always think on those things that are pleasing to You. Help me to always allow You to direct and drive my life as I seek Your will in Your Word. Help me to be careful to give You priority in my busy life.
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