Day Thirty-Seven “Big Red”

It was a perfect day for this spring cleaning chore-sunny, warm, with a slight breeze. The humidity was low and not a cloud could be seen in that endless blue sky. After three loads had splashed their way through the washing machine, the bedding was hanging out on our clothes line. Everything, including quilts, shams, blankets, comforters, and the bed skirt would soon have that distinct, fresh, line-dried fragrance.
Of all of my bedding and blankets, Big Red, my queen-sized, velour comforter, is my favorite. On a bitterly-cold, winter night when the wind is howling and the temperature is in the crazy zone, I find warmth and comfort by wrapping myself in that soft fluff. During those hot summer months, he is not discarded; Red remains faithful at my feet, always available as a soft, cushy ottoman for my tired tootsies. I love that comforter.
When Jesus walked with His disciples on this earth, He promised that when He returned to His Father, He would send the Comforter. The word translated literally means one called alongside, one who would plead another’s cause, one who would defend, support, and console. The disciples were frightened and confused, they needed the assurance that when Jesus returned to His Father, they would not be left alone. Jesus assured them that they would not be left comfortless, and neither are we. Whether we are enduring trials, seeking solace, or battling the devil, the Holy Spirit is the driving force working on our behalf. When we sense God’s leading or the conviction of sin, He is at work. When our eyes are red and swollen from tears, and our own words of prayer fail us, the Comforter is there, replacing our weariness with His peace, interceding with the Father in our stead. When the fierce winds are blowing, we are kept warm within His gentle embrace.
Praise God for the Comforter Who dwells with me and is a faithful guide, leading me one my pilgrimage here to my home in glory. As a child of God, He is my source of strength and guidance as He comes along side this weak vessel. I am never alone.
John 14:16-17 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.
Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the sweet Comforter. Make me sensitive to His leading in my life as He comes alongside and gently nudges me in Your path. Help me to give Him control over all my actions, help me to be mindful when He convicts of wrongdoing, and help me to be responsive when He spurs me into action.
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