Special Announcement!!!

By God’s grace (and my daughter’s technical skills/patience), I have passed the one-month mark of posting blogs. I have learned so much, and am so thrilled and humbled to be able to share those stories with you. As a thank you, I am planning a small give-a-way. If you are interested in participating, please go to the bottom of my blog’s home page, share an email address, and you are entered. If you already follow the blog, you will automatically be entered. The page contains NO ads, NO promotions, NO external links, NO pop-ups. You will only see stories from my experiences, a short devotional, and a verse to ponder. By entering your email address, you will receive the daily blog in your inbox, and absolutely nothing else, I’m not selling or promoting anything. On September 30th, I will randomly select one address, contact you privately, and voila, you will have a $25.00 amazon gift card mailed to you in plenty of time for Christmas. If you are a regular reader of the blog, but are uncomfortable entering an email address, I understand. Please privately message me and I will toss your name in there also!
Why, you may ask? God promises us that His Word will not return to Him void, accomplishing nothing. My sincere prayer is that some verse that I share, some experience that I have had, or something that God has taught me will be a blessing to YOU. My aim is to use this small venue to pass on His Word, to afford us a small moment in a busy day to focus our thoughts on Him. My ultimate goal is to smooth the path for those pilgrims who follow me, to encourage them, to help them along the way. So many brothers and sisters have done that act of grace for me in my Christian walk. Please accept this as my thank you for your encouragement to me.
Philippians 1:3 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.
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I’m a late comer to this Cathy. Basically because we share the same “techy issues”! Ha ? On a serious note, I am loving and so looking forward to your posts. I’ve often thought you have such a beautiful way with words. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way.?
Thank you, Crystal…You are sooooooo sweet. Say hi to everyone for me. Please pass the webpage on to Mindy, I know she doesn’t do fb anymore. I love you! Have a great day with all those littles yikes!