Day Forty-Two “Daddy’s Lap”

I can see it clearly in my mind’s eye, a childhood memory insignificant at the time, but beyond precious to me now. On the front porch of my childhood home was a green, metal chair. In my memory, the chair was HUGE, but I’m sure that it was just a normal-sized old chair, but the impact of that chair still lingers today, sixty plus years later.
I was terrified of thunder storms when I was a little one, and my daddy was well-aware of that fact. As soon as the distant rumble began on those hot, summer evenings of my childhood, fear would begin to well-up within me. Daddy knew that. He would sit calmly in that green chair on the porch and call his little girl to his lap. Reluctantly I heeded, curling up in Daddy’s strong arms. As the storm grew closer and my fear deepened, he would reassure. I can still his calm voice, “You’re okay, I’m here. You are safe.” Nothing could hurt me as I snuggled tightly against my father’s chest.
In Luke 8, we are told that the disciples were experiencing fear. These seasoned fishermen, well-accustomed to the fickle weather common to those waters, were in the midst of a storm beyond their human ability to handle. Their craft was filling with water and their lives were in grave jeopardy. Where was Jesus? Was He unaware of their plight? He’s sleeping? How could Jesus sleep through all this chaos? Wake up! “Master, master, we perish.” Jesus arose and rebuked the wind, the raging water, the turbulent waves, and brought calm, safety, and peace. And his question to them was stinging, “Where is your faith?”
I have a defense in my distress, a refuge from the storm, a solace in my fear, and a shade from the heat. The God of Israel never sleeps, never slumbers. His watchful eye is always attentive to His children. That old green chair is long gone, but my Father’s arms are still open, waiting for His frightened child to snuggle close and feel safe.
Psalm 107:29 He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.
Thank You, Father, for the safety of Your arms. Strengthen my faith during the storms in my life, and envelop me in Your protection and peace. I am so blessed to call the almighty God of creation my Father.
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