Day Forty-Seven “Outnumbered”

When facing a battle, I think we would all agree that if given the choice, we would choose to be on the team that had the best chance of winning. Whether an army marching to face an enemy on a battlefield, or a high school football team facing a crosstown rival, or a last-minute neighborhood softball game, we want the toughest, biggest, and strongest folks on our team; we certainly don’t want to be outnumbered.
Ancient Assyria was an infamous kingdom, known for its ruthlessness, depravity, and cruelty. They had invaded a number of their neighbors, bringing those weaker nations to their knees, enslaving their people, devastating their land. As punishment for abandoning His laws, God had allowed the northern kingdom of Israel to fall prey to Assyria, and now Assyria had set its sights on the southern kingdom of Judah. But Judah’s godly King Hezekiah refused to pay any tribute money to the heathen King Sennacherib of Assyria, trusting God to protect his beloved Judah against any reprisals. To put it lightly, Sennacherib was NOT pleased with Hezekiah’s rebellion and embarked on a propaganda program of fear against Hezekiah and his people.
Sennacherib reminded Judah that he had a huge army (185,000 strong) and had soundly defeated every foe that he had faced. He berated Hezekiah’s God; had not Assyria defeated the gods of all those other nations? Threatening letters were sent to crush Judah’s morale. Sennacherib had a goal, “…to affright them, and to trouble them.” And trouble them he did. Although the people were in panic-mode, Hezekiah was not; he knew exactly what to do. We are told that “he cried and prayed to heaven.” His first reaction when confronted with overwhelming odds Judah faced was to “…spread it before the LORD.” Hezekiah took those evil threats to God, bowed in humility, and gave the problem to His Lord, knowing in his heart that his mighty God was more than able to work out the problem. God blessed Hezekiah’s faith with a miraculous victory, sending “an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria.” One hundred eighty-five thousand soldiers were no match for the King of Kings!
Remember, we are NEVER outnumbered when God is on our team. The arm of flesh is powerless before the God of the universe. When we are feeling outnumbered and weak, we need reminded that the Captain of our team is able to carry His team to victory, for He is NEVER outnumbered.
II Chronicles 32: 7,8 Be strong and courageous, be not afraid…with him is the arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles…
Lord, when I am feeling outnumbered and weak, help me to mirror Hezekiah and to seek Your face. With You by my side, I am never on the losing team. You are the God of the universe, more than capable of caring for me. Strengthen my faith in Your care.
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