Day Sixty-Two “Clay Mountain”

Summers of my youth stand in stark contrast to what summer entails for today’s young ones. We had no video games, cell phones, computers, tablets, or even color televisions. When we popped out of bed early on those long days of summer, we were left to our own devices and creativity, and on most days, that involved a trek to Clay Mountain. To set the record straight, Clay Mountain was neither clay, nor a mountain, but to my child-like eyes, it was HUGE! When bored with my dolls, reading, or playing house, it was time to gather my neighborhood buddies and set off on an expedition. We would trudge up the gravel road nestled in the woods behind our homes until we reached that impressive landmark. Then, as if ascending Mount Everest, we commenced the climb, pulling each other up to the peak, grunting, groaning, and giggling as we went. After the last team member would reach that pinnacle of success, we would shout out in victory, our bright, adolescent voices piercing the quiet neighborhood. I had the opportunity to revisit that childhood historic site not long ago, but it wasn’t at all how I remembered it. It was, at most, a bump on the side of an old access road, a mound of abandoned rock, road debris, and gravel. My mountain was, as you might say, a mole hill.
When in the midst of testing, trial, and heartache, mountains do appear insurmountable. I have visited those treacherous mountains of pain many times, where my tear-soaked eyes couldn’t see the summit, where my weary feet could not scale those steep ridges, when my soul doubted that life would ever feel normal again. I’m sure that Job was there too, losing all he owned, facing financial ruin, and grieving the unexpected loss of his all of his children. Hammered by a bitter wife and self-righteous friends, he had to be feeling alone, adrift, and abandoned. His climb was tough, lonely, and steep, but the same One Who has repeatedly carried me, sustained Job, blessing “the latter end of Job more than the beginning.” God patiently scaled that mountain with His suffering child, blessing him beyond measure when they reached that glorious peak together.
Are you struggling today, seeing no relief from your strenuous climb up the side of a mountain of trial and temptation? Don’t despair. As I look back on my walk with the Lord, those difficult mountains don’t seem nearly as big as they appeared at the time, especially when viewed in comparison to the power and wonder displayed by my God. And the view from the top of that mountain, breath-taking! His outstretched arm and compassionate love have always pulled me to victory, and as I look back on those hand-in-hand climbs with my Father, I am reminded of how gracious, loving, and faithful He has proved Himself in my life. Those mountains were merely stepping stones to a closer walk with Him.
Psalm 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Thank You, Lord, that in the winter season of my life, my memories are filled with stories of Your victories, Your power, and Your goodness. Those huge mountains were merely stepping stones to You.
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