Day Eighty-Seven “Dust and Ashes”

What a super-duper yard sale find, especially for a young couple looking for ways to save some money on their heating costs! There is was, a well-used, but still functional wood burner, complete with outside piping. That was quite an exciting weekend, installing the burner, teetering off the peak of the roof to attach the piping. That summer would be well-spent, as we gathered, split, and stacked wood that would be put to good use during the upcoming winter. The culmination of that tedious work and muscle-straining effort finally paid off on one chilly, fall evening. The warmth of our first fire, the outdoorsy smell, and the peaceful serenade of crackling cherry wood were ample rewards for all of our preparations. But one unexpected side effect resulted from that homey fire. Dust and ashes!
Thinking back on years of dealing with the remnants of our wood fires paints a vivid picture in my mind of man, our humanity as compared to a mighty, omniscient God. When that renowned patriarch, Abraham, was pleading with the LORD to save the city of Sodom, he approached God in humility, realizing that he (Abraham) was “…but dust and ashes” when standing before His God, Jehovah. As God confronted Job and spoke to him out of the whirlwind, this suffering man could only bow before his God, abhorring his own human righteousness, and repenting “…in dust and ashes.” The creation of man began with dust, “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground” and will end, you guessed it, as DUST, “…for dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return.” King Solomon, in all his wisdom, also resigned to the fact that in comparison to God, that we “…all are of the dust.” In light of those passages, is it any wonder why God hates when we don a “proud look” or a “haughty spirit?”
But in stark contrast to dusty man is a wondrous Creator, “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand…weighed the mountains.” Ponder that…measured the waters in the palm of His hand! No one has “…taught him knowledge” for He is the author of all wisdom. Our finite minds cannot comprehend His power and glory for we are mere “vanity” in comparison. Nor can we fathom the love, grace, mercy, and compassion of this God Who offers eternal life to dust and ashes, but He does, He loves His creation that much. That thought should spark our hearts with praise and thanksgiving as we contemplate the gracious, merciful God we serve, a God Who sent His Son to die for “dust and ashes.”
Philippians 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Lord, I cannot comprehend the love that compelled You to send Your Son as a sacrifice for my sins. His act of selflessness and humility humbles me. Undeserved grace!
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