Day Eighty-Eight “Comparison Shopping”

With our retirement budget thinly stretched, I have by reason of necessity, become quite a masterful comparative shopper. Does the generic supply the same nutritional value, taste, and ingredients? Could I substitute a similar product at a lower cost? Would another store have a better price? Although time-consuming at times, comparing product-to-product makes us wiser consumers, reduces budget waste, and creates better stewards of the money bestowed on us by God. As important as this diligence is in regards to our shopping habits, that attentiveness and thoroughness is crucial if we are to become mature students of His Word, comparing Scripture-to-Scripture, digging deeply.
The Bible is a glorious narrative presented in sixty-six distinct books, compiled by forty divinely-inspired authors over a two-thousand year time span. Shepherd, kings, scholars, fishermen, priests, prophets, and even a cup-bearer and tax collector have penned its pages, representing three continents, writing from palaces, prisons, the wilderness, and even from exile. Yet this precious book maintains a consistency of message, one single, unified, and eternal plan of salvation woven perfectly throughout its pages. From Genesis to Revelation, the breath-taking story of redemption through the blood of the a perfect Lamb is presented clearly, painting a glorious picture of the marvelous grace, mercy, and love of God. We learn of His nature, His holiness, and His forgiveness by in-depth study of this love letter that he has preserved for us. But the Spirit of God presents the Father’s plan “…precept upon precept, line upon line…here a little, and there a little,” so meticulous care and effort must by afforded on our part to weave together His marvelous story for our lives.
Don’t study God’s Word haphazardly, work at it. Don’t only read it, meditate upon it. Take time daily to plunge into its pages a little deeper. Grow stronger in Truth, so that you are not caught unawares when the counterfeit rears its deceitful head. Only the Holy Spirit can instruct us, as we go about the task of “…comparing spiritual things with spiritual,” “…rightly dividing the word of truth.” Dig thoroughly into its pages, cross-reference Scriptures, compare passages, research difficult words to gain a better knowledge of the meaning, and most importantly, ask the Spirit to “guide you into all truth.” Yes, that takes time, but the rewards are great. Push your cart slowly and thoughtfully through the aisles of those verses, grow in you study habits of that precious Book, and you will “grow in grace.”
II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Holy Spirit of God, make me a better consumer of Your Word. Guide me as I seek the Father, learn more of His love and grace, and immerse myself in His Word to me.
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Your insight, knowledge, and way with words is just amazing to me! What a gift you have! May the Lord continue to bless you as you continue your “gleanings”! <3
Thanks, sweet lady. I’m amazed at how that precious Book has so MANY nuggets in it. Regardless of how long I have been saved, He makes His Word new every day. I can read the same passage 100 times and there is still something in there to learn, some pathway to growth. isn’t He amazing? My heart hurts for those who don’t have Him and His comforting Book.