Day Ninety-Nine “Legos”

My husband is an avid, committed LEGO nut, and I’m not talking about the self-contained kits available at your local Walmart. He purchases his plans online, and they are HUGE projects-castles, cathedrals, and even the Taj Mahal. He tediously organizes the supply list, purchases each piece individually, files them into craft boxes, then goes about the task of carefully fitting those random pieces into one glorious structure, each seemingly insignificant piece in its place, combining to create a spectacular, colorful work of art. The projects take an enormous amount of time and effort…weeks, months, sometimes years, but his patience eventually wins the day and the daunting feat is accomplished.
Christ is working on a building of sorts, an invisible organism of born-again believers “out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;” Christ is the head of His church, the “wise masterbuilder,” and “hath laid the foundation” upon which He builds. And we are those colorful, unique building blocks. Just as every LEGO piece serves an important role in my husband’s structures, so does every believer in the body of Christ. We each have a specific function in the body, a job to do, gifts to share, “as God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.” All of the pieces are equally important, erasing any opportunity for pride in regards to the role in which we play. We are to “honour” each member, and “care one for another,” and “edify one another,” so that there be no “schism in the body.” It is a massive undertaking, and someday our glorious finished product will be presented “without spot” to the Father.
Are you a part of that great organism referred to as His church? Have you been saved through His blood offered at Calvary? If so, YOU are part of that building, and you have a distinct purpose and directive from Christ; you are unique, created for a specific role in His building process. Every job accomplished in His name will be rewarded, regardless of how big or seemingly insignificant, He only requires “that a man be found faithful.” I can’t wait to view the completed creation, crafted by the King of kings!
Ephesians 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord;
Thank You, Lord, for allowing me, by grace, to be part of Your church, that great organism that is Your arm of evangelism to the world. Help me to appreciate the small part You have for me to complete, and grant me the strength to be faithful to that task.
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