Day One Hundred Twenty-Three “Worrying Willie”

Poor little Worrying Willie! I smile every time that fictitious character slips back into my memory files. I shared the story of stressed-out Willie with my children’s church kiddos years ago, that poor little school-age boy who worried about EVERYTHING: going to school, riding the bus, bullies at lunch, pop quizzes, those monsters in his closet, and the who-knows-what under his bed. His days were filled with fretting, until one fateful day when he had a conversation with Hair Number 532 in his comb (told you that it was a fictitious story). Hair Number 532 reminded Willie that worry was unnecessary, for God Himself had “the very hairs of your head…numbered.” That all-knowing God was certainly capable of taking care of Willie.
That’s such a silly little story, but with a deep message, a message reminding us that worry is a burden that God never intended for us to carry. We are encouraged to “take no thought for the morrow” for our gracious Father knows our needs and will supply those needs. That is easy for me to type, but difficult to apply to my life, for I can be subject to the worrying willies also. My heart was blessed today as I read these precious words, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.” Let’s take a look at that verse for just a moment and meditate on every precious word.
Thou Almighty God, Ruler of the universe will keep him to guard, to set a watchman, to keep close by, to preserve in perfect peace completeness, soundness, safety whose mind thought life is stayed to cause to lean upon, to rest, to sustain, to brace oneself, to support on thee my Father. God, the Father, is my Watchman, supporting and bracing me through the roughest storms, bringing completeness as I trust in His provincial hand. My peace comes from the confidence that He is in control. The comfort that He gives my soul settles my nerves, fills my mind with hope, and allows me to relax in the face of changes and challenges.
Corrie Ten Boom once wrote these wise words: Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. I love that thought. Are you filled with worry today? Does the future seem uncertain? Are there storms on the horizon that you can’t control? Remember, He has the very hairs of your head numbered; He’s got this; He’s got you!
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Lord, sometimes I am as silly as Worrying Willie and You have to remind me that You are in control. Thank You for peace that comes from fully trusting in You.
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I love your blog. I also love your dear daughter.
Thank you, Robin. I’m glad that you are close by my Hannah to watch over her. I appreciate that so much!